Let’s Get Growing!

We’re not just growing gardens - We’re growing gardeners.

Sure, growing a bountiful harvest of veggies is neat, but so is growing yourself as a human being. We like to do both at the same time!

  • Growing a Gardener

    Plan, design, & start your first garden in just 7 days with just a pot, patio, or property using this gardening guide for newbies & overthinkers alike.

  • Come hang out with us

    We share weekly videos on Youtube & show ya the “behind the scenes” of how life looks on our little developing homestead

  • Putting down roots

    We’re just a couple of Michigan transplants working towards our big dreams in the foothills of North Carolina

  • Calico Cow Acres Shop

    Our shop offers custom designed goods and we hope eventually offer handmade and homegrown items from our little homestead - from our hands to yours.

Well hey! I’m Mickayla, the founder & creator here at Calico Cow Acres.

I’m on a lifelong journey to connect in my own special way with nature - & I finally figured out how! The answer was right outside my door this whole time…my very own garden. And now I’m here to help you find your own special connection.

Find Connection. Start Growing a Gardener.

and get your FREE step-by-step guide to plan, design, and start your very own garden. (stop overthinking it. just do it!)

let's get growing

let's get growing

Ready to get growing & finally start that garden you’ve been dreaming about?

You know, the garden that’s going to bring you closer to nature, help you connect with your food, and bring you a sense of peace & joy?! Yeah, THAT garden! If you’re ready to start THAT garden, you’re in the right spot. Welcome to Calico Cow Acres, my friend, your new space for all things growing a garden - and growing a gardener.

Connect with us on social media!